Ide K, Nakagomi A,Tsuji T, Yamamoto T, Watanabe R, Yokoyama M, Shirai K,Kondo K,Shiba K 令和6年度 三井住友海上福祉財団奨励賞 高齢者福祉分野,公益財団法人 三井住友海上福祉財団 Participation in Community Gathering Places and Subsequent Health and Well-being: An Outcome-wide Analysis.
Wang H, Kawaguchi K, Ling L , Ide K, Kondo K Poster awards (Domestic)賞,第30回国際HPHカンファレンス2024,広島国際会議場,2024年11月6日~8日 How have residents' lives changed since moving into the Serviced Housing for Older People?
Kasahara M, Kawachi H, Ueno K, Kino S, Kondo N, Ikeda S, Nishioka D Poster awards (Domestic)賞,第30回国際HPHカンファレンス2024,広島国際会議場,2024年11月6日~8日 Community social capital and the prevalence of polypharmacy among adults receiving public assistance in Japan: A multilevel cross-sectional study.
Watanabe R, Tsuji T, Ide K, Noguchi T, Yasuoka M, Kamiji K, Satake S, Kondo K, Kojima M Top Cited Article 2022-2023, Geriatrics & Gerontology International 賞 Predictive validity of the modified Kihon Checklist for the incidence of functional disability among older people: a 3-year cohort study from the JAGES. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2022 Jul 17. doi: 10.1111/ggi.14439.
Watanabe R, Tsuji T, Ide K, Noguchi T, Yasuoka M, Kamiji K, Satake S, Kondo K, Kojima M Top Downloaded Paper 2022, Geriatrics & Gerontology International 賞 Predictive validity of the modified Kihon Checklist for the incidence of functional disability among older people: a 3-year cohort study from the JAGES. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2022 Jul 17. doi: 10.1111/ggi.14439.
日本老年医学会(2022年6月2日(木)授賞式) ■第13回GGI優秀論文賞 Saito M, Aida J, Cable N, Zaninotto P, Ikeda T, Tsuji T, Koyama S, Noguchi T, Osaka K, Kondo K: Cross-national comparison of social isolation and mortality among older adults: A 10-year follow-up study in Japan and England. Geriatrics & Gerontology International Vol.21 (2) 209-214.
第79回日本公衆衛生学会総会(2020年10月20日(火)~10月22日(木) オンライン開催) ■最優秀口演賞受賞 宮國康弘, 斉藤雅茂, 辻大士, 近藤尚己, 近藤克則:地域レベルの社会参加と介護給付費との関連:JAGES縦断データによるマルチレベル分析 ■口演賞受賞 Kino Shiho, Nishioka Daisuke, Ueno Keiko, Kondo Naoki: Mental, physical and social health among older Japanese with public assistance. ■ポスター賞受賞 藤原聡子, 宮國康弘, 辻大士, 近藤克則: 高齢者の社会的ネットワークと認知症リスクとの関連:JAGES6年間縦断研究. ■ポスター賞受賞 西田恵, 花里真道, 近藤克則: 高齢者のうつと居住地域の子ども人口密度の関連: JAGES2016横断研究
4th International Conference on Public Health (ICOPH 2018)(2018.7.19 タイ・バンコク) ■Session Best Presentation Award受賞 Ikeda T, Sugiyama K, Aida J, Tsuboya T, Watabiki N, Kondo K, Osaka K:Subjective economic situation is strongly associated with low back pain among older people in Japan: The JAGES cross-sectional study.
第21回静岡健康・長寿学術フォーラム(2016.11.25 静岡市グランシップ10階1001会議) ■ポスター賞受賞 akashi Kamada, Souta Okuno, Yuko Araki, Eisaku Okada,Toshiyuki Ojima, Katsunori Kondo:Regional comparison of risk factors related to the onset of certification of long-term care need in community-dwelling elderly people in Japan: Follow-up study of participants in the JAGES project.
The 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Pubic Health Conference(2016.9.16 Tokyo,Japan) ■Young Oral Presentation Award受賞 Emiko Ando, Takanobu Nomura, Jun Aida, Hiroyuki Hikichi, Kana Inoue, Yukio Hosaka, Tomoko Tabata,Katsunori Kondo, Ichiro Kawachi: Association of dog ownership with cognitive decline amongcommunity-dwelling older residents in Japan: longitudinal analysis. ■Poster Award受賞 Airi Amemiya, Takeo Fujiwara. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Functional Limitations Among Japanese Older People: Results From the JAGES 2013 Project.
WPA Section on Epidemiology and Public Health 2014 Meeting: Trauma and Mental Health(2014.10.16 奈良市) ■ベストポスター賞受賞 Toshiyuki Ojima, Masayo Kojima, Toru Tsuboya, Naoki Kondo, Eisaku Okada,Mieko Nakamura, Masashige Saito, Jyun Aida, Katsunori Kondo, Dr. group JAGES:Prevalence and healthoutcomes of inappropriate drinking among older Japanese.
第20回国際疫学会World Congress of Epidemiology(WCE2014)(2014.8.17 米国アラスカ州) ■Student Award受賞 Matsuyama Y, Aida J, Hase A, Sato Y, Tsuboya T, Ito K, Koyama S, and Osaka K. Social relationships and mental health among the victims of The Great East Japan Earthquake; A multilevel longitudinal study. ■Student Award受賞 Ito K, Aida J, CABLE N, Yamamoto T, Suzuki K, Kondo K,and Osaka K:International Comparative Research of Oral Health Inequality between Japan and England.
平成25年度神奈川歯科大学学会(2013.11.30) ■優秀論文賞受賞 山本龍生,近藤克則,三澤仁平,平井寛,中出美代,相田潤,近藤尚己,Ichiro Kawachi,平田幸夫:Dental status and incident falls among older Japanese: a prospective cohort study.
The 3rd International Symposium for Interface OralHealth Science(2009) ■Excellent Young Investigator Award 受賞 Jun aida,Miyo Nakade,Tomoya Hanibuchi,Hiroshi Hirai,Ken Osada,Katsunori Kondo:Impact of oral health status on healthy life expectancy in community-dwelling population:The AGES Project cohort study.
Marital quality and depression among the elderiy in Japan" American Public Health Association.2007 ■James G. Zimmer New Investigator Research Award受賞 Chiyoe Murata PhD MPH,Katsunori Kondo PhD MD,Hiroshi Hirai PhD,Yashitaka Saito PhD,Kei Suemori PhD,Toshiyuki Ojima PhD MD.
American Public Health Association.2006 ■Nobuo Maeda International Research Award 受賞 Chiyoe Murata PhD MPH,Katsunori Kondo PhD MD,Kiyoko Yoshii MS RN2,Hiroshi Hirai PhD:Depression is associated with lower SES among community-living elder in Japan.