Wewereinvited to attend the 15th ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social WelfareandDevelopment, held online on 21 September 2020. Research ProfessorYugoShobugawa from Nigata University and Director General, Yuma Fujinami fromtheJapan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) were participated theforum.Research Professor Shobugawa is the leader of the research project ofJAGES inMyanmar and Malaysia. He presented past and recent experiences of hisresearchand the tools, strategies, and the results of the JAGES project at theforum. Theforumis held annually and it was the 15th meeting, held within the frameworkof theASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) with the Theme of “Strengthening FamilyResilience andSolidarity: Braving the Adversity and Adapting to the NewNormal”. Totransitiontowards a New Normal under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, we spendmore timewith families at home. The participants discussed to protect thesafety ofrisk-populations of the children, older persons, and persons withdisabilities. Duringtheforum, the participants shared their deepest concern over the pandemiccaused byCOVID-19 and its adverse impacts in their own countries, andparticipantsdiscussed on how to addressing effective solutions to it. Attheforum, Professor Shobugawa shared the experience and showed evidence producedbyJAGES project to actively contributed the forum discussion and emphasizedtheimportance role of the community and older persons’ connection to thecommunityin addition to the role of families as an essential support systemfor elderly. 【Presentation Material.pdf】 |